Our ethical commitments

As part of its 2017-2022 Corporate Social Responsibility strategy, the Bolloré Group defined 4 priorities among which “Bringing the Group together around a shared corporate culture and ethical standards”.
The Group is signatory of the United Nations Global Compact since 2003, a voluntary initiative supporting companies to align their strategies and operations with ten Principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption;
These principles are specified in our Code of Ethics and our Code of Conduct outlines the behaviors that must be followed to comply with them.
Integrity in the conduct of our business is a key element of our Code of Conduct, which all subsidiaries, directors, employees and business partners acting on behalf of the Group must comply with.
A dedicated organization ensures the proper understanding and compliance with the Sapin 2 law, the recommendations of the French Anticorruption Agency (AFA), applicable laws and international standards.
The Bolloré Group implement a program based on four pillars:
• An anticorruption risk mapping and a Compliance Reporting.
• Awareness and training of our employees.
• Due diligence of our Third Parties who must comply with our Code of Conduct.
• Whistleblowing system which allows to report any situation that constitutes or could constitute a breach of our Code of Conduct.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Compliance Department or its local representative – compliance@bollore.com