A question?

A question?
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Send us your request by filling in the following contact form*:
The “Surname”, “Given Name”, “Email Address” and “Message” fields must be completed so that questions submitted using the above form can be answered. Personal data collected from this contact form and transmitted to us will be used by Bolloré S.A., or any entity in its Group so as to:
– enable exchanges between you and any entity in the Bolloré Group concerning your requests for information about the Group’s activities.
We remind you that all personal data is collected with your consent which you may withdraw at any time without, however, challenging the initial lawfulness of the use of your data.
You may exercise your rights to oppose, access, amend, delete and limit the portability of your data and, where applicable, define what will happen to it after your death. To exercise these rights, please write to: dpo@bollore.net and, if relevant, attach all supporting documents that prove your identity and justify your request.
Should you require additional information or have any issues regarding the processing of your personal data, please contact our data protection officer (DPO) at the following address: dpo@bollore.net. Refer all inquiries concerning unresolved issues to the CNIL (French National Commission for Information Technology and Civil Liberties).