Innovating in response to major environmental challenges

In order to anticipate major societal changes and support the adaptations necessary for sustainable development, such as energy transition, the reduction of the environmental footprint of human activities or the consideration of climate issues, the Bolloré Group is deploying mitigation measures and investing in the long term in order to offer innovative and connected low-carbon products and services.
Three major commitments
• Adapting to and combating climate change
• Making the management of our carbon footprint central to the development of our products and services
• Preventing pollution and reducing environmental impacts related to our activities
2021 Key figures
• 17.7 million euros invested in R&D projects serving the energy transition (batteries, Bluestorage, electromobility)
• 37% of electricity consumed from renewable sources
• Publication of turnover, CAPEX and OPEX, business segments identified as eligible for the taxonomy regulation
Vivendi’s figures
• Vivendi joins the Business Ambition for the 1.5°C campaign and commits to 30% reduction in its GHG emissions by 2025
• 18% of electricity consumed from renewable sources in 2021
More than 110 works published by Editis on the environment theme
For more information, please access to CSR publications